How to Embed HubSpot Forms on Your Site

Written By Sean McGauley
January 4, 2024

If you have an external website, meaning it’s not built on HubSpot CMS, you’ll want to update all of the forms on your site to HubSpot forms. This will ensure that the data contained in every form submission is captured inside your HubSpot CRM. This will grow your marketing contacts and allow you to route leads to the right salesperson, trigger automated follow-ups, and more.

Here's what's covered in this how-to article: click below to jump to the section you want:

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Watch Now: How to Embed HubSpot Forms on Your Site

Steps to Embed HubSpot Forms on Your Site 

  • Create Your HubSpot Form: 
    • Begin by crafting the lead forms you need within HubSpot. 
    • In your HubSpot portal, navigate to Marketing > Lead Capture > Forms.
    • Click create a form.
    • Choose Embedded Form
    • Start with a blank form or one of HubSpot’s pre-built templates
    • For today, we’ll choose a blank template
    • Customize your form to gather the specific information you need.
    • Let’s go with First Name, Last Name, and Email
    • Give your form a name – Test
    • Publish your form
  • On the embed code tab, copy the HTML Code for your form.
  • Now, you can embed your Forms on Your Website.
    • Take the exported HTML code and place it within your own website pages where you intend to collect lead information. You have the flexibility to position these forms wherever they best serve your goals.
  • Customize Appearance (Optional): If you possess CSS skills or have access to staff who can work with CSS, you can further customize the appearance of your HubSpot forms. This allows you to seamlessly integrate them with your website’s design and branding.

Your Next Step

Now that you’ve set up your HubSpot forms, the next step in setting up your HubSpot portal is to import your mailing list. Click here to learn how to import your mailing list into HubSpot

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Sean McGauley

About the Author

Marketing is more challenging than it’s ever been - but, I’m committed to finding new and creative ways to succeed. By day, I’m a digital marketing enthusiast with a passion for connecting brands with their target audience. I have over a decade of experience in creating and executing successful campaigns with a proven track record. I specialize in Strategy, Copywriting, SEO, and social media marketing - always staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies. By night, you'll likely find me adventuring with family and friends. I enjoy nature, photography, mountain biking, fly fishing, and trying new foods. I want to connect with other like-minded professionals to learn from and work with.