The HubSpot tracking code is the magic ingredient that powers the HubSpot software. It’s a snippet of JavaScript that must be installed on every page of your website within the <body> section, just above the closing </body> tag.
The HubSpot tracking code is exclusive to your HubSpot account and serves the purpose of monitoring your website traffic. This tracking code is automatically integrated into HubSpot blog pages, landing pages, and website pages, but if you’re using externally hosted pages (those not within the HubSpot domain), you will need to manually install the HubSpot tracking code to capture analytics for those specific pages.
The importance of this tracking code cannot be overstated, as it unlocks HubSpot’s most invaluable features, including:
Without the HubSpot tracking code, none of these features will function. Installing the JavaScript code promptly on your site is your ticket to unlocking the full potential of HubSpot. The sooner it’s in place, the sooner you’ll start reaping the benefits.
Here's what's covered in this how-to article: click below to jump to the section you want:
To navigate to your tracking code, follow these steps.
Official HubSpot Guidance: How to install the HubSpot tracking code
Now that you’ve installed your HubSpot Tracking Code, the next step in setting up your HubSpot portal is to exclude your own visits to your company website from your HubSpot analytics and reporting.
Here’s our step-by-step instructional post and video to exclude your own traffic from HubSpot analytics.