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Landing Page Audit Checklist

Written by Sean McGauley | Jan 23, 2024 2:48:36 PM

Do you want to create landing pages that convert like crazy? This checklist will help you avoid the common mistakes that cost you traffic and leads.

Improve Your Conversion Rate Today!

Do you want to create a landing page that converts like crazy? Do you want to avoid the common mistakes that cost you traffic, leads, and sales? Do you want to learn the best practices that the top marketers use to optimize their landing pages? Then this landing page checklist is for you!

How to Use this Checklist

Use this list as a practical tool, this checklist offers 14 distinct areas for evaluation, each providing actionable insights to enhance your page's performance. 

Whether you're building new landing pages or fine-tuning existing ones, simply follow the checklist step-by-step to identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement, and implement effective strategies for optimization. 

Consider this checklist your trusted companion, providing clear guidance on what to look for and how to elevate your landing pages. 

Here's what's covered in the Landing Page Audit - click below to jump to the section you want:

Heat Mapping

Heat mapping helps to understand user behavior by visualizing where users click, move the cursor, or spend the most time on a page. It's crucial for optimizing layout, content placement, and identifying potential friction points. By analyzing heat maps, you can refine the design and layout to improve user experience and conversion rates.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have used a heat mapping tool to analyze how users interact with my landing page.

[ ] I have identified the most and least clicked elements on my landing page.

[ ] I have measured how far users scroll down my landing page.

[ ] I have removed or improved any elements that distract users from my main goal or message.

[ ] I have optimized my landing page based on the heat mapping data.

SERP Analysis

Analyzing the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) helps in understanding what users see when they search for relevant keywords. Doing this can help you create compelling meta titles and descriptions that increase click-through rates. It also provides insights into competitors' strategies, allowing for better positioning and differentiation.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have searched for my target keywords on Google and analyzed the landing pages of my top competitors.

[ ] I have noted the common elements or features that they use to attract and convert users.

[ ] I have compared my landing page to theirs in terms of design, content, and value proposition.

[ ] I have highlighted the unique or differentiating factors that make my landing page stand out from the competition.

Load Speed

Load speed directly impacts user experience and conversion rates. Slow-loading pages lead to higher bounce rates and lower search engine rankings. Optimizing load speed through various techniques like image compression, cleaning code, and leveraging caching mechanisms is essential for retaining visitors and improving conversion rates.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have tested my landing page load speed using a tool, such as Google PageSpeed Insights.

[ ] I have checked my landing page load time on desktop and mobile devices.

[ ] I have identified the factors that affect my landing page load speed based on your test. Depending on the tool you select, many will include an assessment of Core Web Vitals, performance issues, and diagnostics.

[ ] I have improved my landing page load speed by optimizing or removing unnecessary elements.


Design encompasses visual aesthetics, layout, and user interface elements. A visually appealing and user-friendly design enhances credibility, trust, and engagement. Clear navigation, intuitive layout, and consistent branding elements contribute to a positive user experience, encouraging visitors to stay longer and take desired actions.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have balanced simplicity and creativity in my landing page design.

[ ] I have used a clear, consistent, and easy-to-follow layout for my landing page.

[ ] I have used colors, fonts, and images that match my brand identity and tone.

[ ] I have enhanced my landing page readability and aesthetics using white space, contrast, and alignment; as well as avoided clutter, noise, and distractions.


CTAs prompt visitors to take specific actions like signing up, purchasing products or services, or contacting. They should be strategically placed, visually prominent, and compelling. Effective CTAs guide visitors through the conversion funnel and increase the likelihood of desired actions.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have reviewed my calls-to-action for accessibility and effectiveness.

[ ] I have made my calls-to-action visible, prominent, and easy to click or tap.

[ ] I have used descriptive, action-oriented, and compelling words in my calls-to-action.

[ ] I have used contrasting colors, shapes, and sizes to make my calls-to-action stand out.

[ ] I have placed my calls-to-action strategically on my landing page to guide users toward my desired action.

Mental Load

Mental load refers to the cognitive effort required to process information on a page. Minimizing mental load by simplifying content, using clear language, and reducing distractions enhances comprehension and decision-making. A streamlined experience reduces friction and improves conversion rates.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have lowered the user’s mental load by making my landing page simple, clear, and intuitive.

[ ] I have used headlines, subheadings, and bullet points to break down my landing page content into digestible chunks.

[ ] I have used visuals, icons, and diagrams to illustrate my landing page content and reduce text.

[ ] I have addressed the user’s pain points, needs, and goals on my landing page.


Forms are essential for capturing visitor information and generating leads. Optimizing forms by minimizing fields, providing clear instructions, and using progressive profiling enhances completion rates. Additionally, integrating validation mechanisms and offering incentives can encourage form submission.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have cleaned up my forms by removing unnecessary or optional fields.

[ ] I have used labels, placeholders, and tooltips to guide users on how to fill out my forms.

[ ] I have used validation, feedback, and error messages to prevent and correct user mistakes on my forms.

[ ] I have used incentives, guarantees, and privacy statements to encourage users to submit my forms.

[ ] I have tested my forms for functionality and usability on different devices and browsers.

Social Sharing

Social sharing facilitates the amplification of content and extends the reach of the landing page. Integrating social sharing buttons encourages visitors to share valuable content with their networks, driving traffic and increasing brand visibility.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have talked to my friends, talked to your friends, talked to you about my landing page.

[ ] I have asked for feedback, suggestions, and opinions from different perspectives and sources.

[ ] I have incorporated the feedback into my landing page to improve it.

[ ] I have made it easy for users to share my landing page with their friends, colleagues, and networks.


Personalizing content based on visitor demographics, behavior, or preferences increases relevance and engagement. Tailoring headlines, offers, and recommendations to specific segments enhances the user experience and drives conversion rates.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have made my landing page personal to my user by using Buyer Persona information.

[ ] I have used my user’s name, location, preferences, or behavior to customize my landing page content and offers.

[ ] I have used dynamic content, segmentation, or cookies to deliver relevant and tailored experiences to my users.

[ ] I have used personal stories, anecdotes, or humor to connect with my users on an emotional level.

Value Proposition

A clear and compelling value proposition communicates the unique benefits of the offer and addresses visitor needs and pain points. Highlighting key value propositions prominently attracts attention and motivates visitors to explore further.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have communicated my unique value proposition clearly and convincingly on my landing page.

[ ] I have used a catchy, concise, and benefit-oriented headline to capture my user’s attention and interest.

[ ] I have used a subheadline, paragraph, or video to explain my offer and how it solves my user’s problem or fulfills their desire.

[ ] I have used bullet points, icons, or checkmarks to highlight the key features and benefits of my offer.

[ ] I have used a clear and specific value proposition statement to summarize my offer and its value.

Social Proof

Social proof, such as testimonials, reviews, and user ratings, builds trust and credibility by demonstrating the experiences of others. Including social proof elements on the landing page reassures visitors and reduces skepticism, ultimately increasing conversion rates.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have shown off my achievements, credentials, and authority on my landing page.

[ ] I have used logos, badges, or certificates to display my affiliations, partnerships, or awards.

[ ] I have used statistics, numbers, or graphs to demonstrate my results, impact, or growth.

[ ] I have used testimonials, reviews, or ratings to showcase my customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

[ ] I have used case studies, stories, or videos to illustrate my customer success, transformation, or outcomes.


Promotional elements such as limited-time offers, discounts, or freebies create a sense of urgency and incentivize immediate action from potential customers. Promotions can stimulate interest, encourage engagement, and drive conversions by tapping into psychological triggers like scarcity and fear of missing out (FOMO).

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have avoided promotional bait and switch on my landing page by delivering on my promise, offer, or claim that I made on my ad, email, or social media campaign.

[ ] I have matched my landing page headline, content, and design with my ad, email, or social media campaign.

[ ] I have provided enough information, value, and incentive to justify my user’s click or visit.

[ ] I have avoided misleading, deceptive, or false statements or claims on my landing page.

Thank You Page

Your thank you page acknowledges the completion of a desired action (for example, a form submission, or purchase) and provides an opportunity for additional engagement. It can include additional offers, social sharing prompts, or related content to nurture leads and encourage repeat visits.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have spiced up my thank you process by including a separate page to enhance my user’s experience and satisfaction.

[ ] I have thanked my user for taking action and confirmed their submission, registration, or purchase.

[ ] I have provided clear and specific instructions on what to do next or what to expect next.

[ ] I have offered additional value, resources, or opportunities to my user, such as a bonus, a discount, a referral, or a subscription.

[ ] I have encouraged my users to stay connected, engaged, or involved with my brand, such as by following my social media, joining my community, or contacting my support.

Scarcity + Timeliness

Effective landing pages create a sense of scarcity or urgency through limited-time offers, countdown timers, or stock availability prompts visitors to act quickly. Scarcity and timeliness leverage psychological principles to motivate action and drive conversions before opportunities expire.

Audit your landing page:

[ ] I have used scarcity and timeliness to create urgency and demand on my landing page.

[ ] I have used limited availability, quantity, or supply to indicate the scarcity of my offer or product.

[ ] I have used countdown timers, deadlines, or expiration dates to indicate the timeliness of my offer or product.

[ ] I have used words or phrases that convey urgency and immediacy, such as “now”, “today”, or “don’t miss out”.

[ ] I have used social proof, such as “sold out”, “only X left”, or “Y people are viewing this right now” to reinforce scarcity and timeliness.

Don't Forget About Mobile Optimization

With more users accessing the internet on mobile devices than ever before, neglecting mobile optimization could mean missing out on a significant portion of your audience and potential conversions. 

Why Mobile Optimization Matters for High Converting Landing Pages

Mobile optimization goes beyond just ensuring that your landing page is accessible on mobile devices; it's about providing a seamless and satisfying user experience tailored to the unique needs and behaviors of mobile users.

1. User Expectations: Mobile users expect fast loading times, easy navigation, and responsive design. A poorly optimized landing page that frustrates users with slow loading times or awkward layouts is likely to drive them away, resulting in lost opportunities for conversions.

2. Search Engine Rankings: Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their search results. Mobile optimization is a crucial factor in determining your website's visibility and ranking on SERPs. A poorly optimized landing page may suffer from lower search engine rankings, reducing its discoverability and organic traffic potential.

3. Increased Conversions: A seamless mobile experience can significantly impact conversion rates. Mobile-optimized landing pages that load quickly, display properly, and offer intuitive navigation are more likely to engage and convert mobile users. By catering to on-the-go audiences, you can maximize conversion opportunities and drive business growth.

How to Audit for Mobile Optimization

Optimizing your landing page for mobile devices involves addressing various aspects to ensure optimal performance and user experience. Here are some key aspects to consider:

1. Responsive Design: Implement a responsive design approach that automatically adjusts the layout and content of your landing page to fit different screen sizes and orientations. Responsive design ensures consistency and usability across various devices, enhancing the overall user experience.

2. Mobile-Friendly Content: Adapt your content for mobile consumption by keeping it concise, scannable, and visually appealing. Break up large blocks of text into smaller paragraphs, use bullet points and subheadings to improve readability, and prioritize essential information to capture mobile users' attention quickly.

3. Fast Loading Times: Mobile users are typically more impatient than desktop users, making page speed a critical factor in mobile optimization. Optimize your landing page's loading times by minimizing server requests, compressing images, and leveraging browser caching. Tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights can help identify performance bottlenecks and suggest optimizations.

4. Thumb-Friendly Navigation: Design your landing page with mobile navigation in mind, ensuring that buttons, links, and interactive elements are easily tappable and accessible with a thumb. Place important calls-to-action (CTAs) prominently within thumb reach to encourage engagement and conversions.

5. Device Compatibility Testing: Test your mobile-optimized landing page across various devices, operating systems, and browsers to ensure compatibility and consistency. Pay attention to factors like screen resolutions, touch interactions, and device-specific quirks to deliver a seamless experience to all mobile users.

Mobile optimization is not just a technical consideration; it's a fundamental aspect of modern digital marketing strategy. By prioritizing mobile optimization for your landing pages, you can better engage on-the-go audiences, improve search engine visibility, and ultimately drive conversions. Incorporate responsive design principles, optimize content for mobile consumption, prioritize fast loading times, and test across devices to create a mobile-friendly experience that resonates with your target audience.

Remember, catering to mobile users is not just about meeting expectations—it's about exceeding them and delivering exceptional user experiences that inspire action.

Putting it All Together

There are many ways to utilize this checklist – auditing your new landing page before you publish, optimizing an underperforming landing page, or anywhere in between. We recommend that you start by going through each section and checking off applicable tasks. Identify priority areas that need immediate attention and implement changes based on the checklist’s recommendations. 

Remember that landing page optimization is an ongoing process, so regularly revisit the checklist to ensure your pages stay current and aligned with best practices. Measure the impact of changes, seek feedback, and stay informed about new trends and best practices to adapt your landing pages to evolving preferences. 

By following these steps, you can systematically enhance your landing pages, boost conversion rates, and meet your goals.

Now that your content is optimized, it's time to ensure it can be found online. Click here to learn about pillar pages and content clusters to enhance SEO, user experience, and overall website authority.